Sunday, August 30, 2009


I just finished my newest project- a shibori scarf. It was made using a woolen skirt I found at the second hand store. I added balls and beads to the sewn together scarf before felting it in the washing machine, when dried I removed the balls and cut some holes for decoration.
To see a tutorial on the making of this scarf please visit
This site has videos and articles on all types of felting. Including how to make a felted purse either from scratch or by using a recycled sweater

Monday, August 3, 2009


Welcome to my Managerie of Crafts, I am without a doubt a real crafty nut. I enjoy making an assortment of one of a kind items. I enjoy making items from recyled wool sweaters. Felted then made into jackets, mittens, hats and anything else that can be make of felt.
I have recently tried my hand at bath salts and soap as well as lavender items such as microwave bags, dream pillows and sachets.
I still think needle felting has to remain one of my favorite crafts.

Be sure to check out some of the fun videos below to learn how to create some wonderful easy to do crafts.


Just finished a couple of fun and funky items. One of them used an old wool sweater that I felted and created the bear. She also had needle felting done on her face and paws. Her hair was made using wet felting and wool roving.
The ponytail holders were created using wool roving and wet felting.
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